Tuesday, May 13, 2014


#TransformationTuesday for the worst. Most of these are used to show amazing weight loss results or even changes from awkward middle school years to the present. But mine today is different. Mine is a motivation for myself to lose the weight I have put on through college. The left is at the beach after high school graduation and the right is before my pinning ceremony last week. When I was in high school, I was in the best shape of my life. I played basketball and was on the track team. I could eat whatever I wanted because I exercised so much. When I came to college, the weight began to pack on. From drinking alcohol to having a buffet cafeteria to the only exercise I got was dancing at the club the number on the scale just continued to climb. I tried many time lose weight but these tries would only be short lived only a couple of days, a week at most! Between my freshman year and start of nursing school I gained roughly 25 pounds. Then when nursing school started I gained an ADDITIONAL 35 pounds. As I start a new step in my life (working in the real world), I want to begin a new lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle! I value any comments, support, stories, or questions along the way! 

Until next time, 

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